The Delightful Sausage: ‘Why don’t you mind your own fucking business?’

To celebrate the launch of their new special, ‘Live at Chapeltown Picture House’, The Delightful Sausage (Yorkshire’s finest meat double act created by Christopher-Louise Cantrill and Amy Gledhill) dropped into LMAOnaise HQ to answer questions submitted by their fans.

‘How did The Sausage spend lockdown?’ Paul Grande, Icklewick

Chris: We decided that the most sensible decision for the band was for us to lockdown together-

Amy: Chris’ wife and child weren’t happy about it at all, but we’d already brought the bunkbeds.

C: And we were very busy, thank you! We launched a podcast that catered exclusively to the trucking community, wrote a screenplay which we’ve been told has been ‘received by the studio’ and got really into weight lifting.

A: Between us we can now lift a Mini Cooper now.

‘Who’s the best celebrity you’ve met’ Sharon Gritt, Aberdeen

A: I once met Mary Berry at a dog fighting arena in Sheffield. Well, can’t be totally sure it was her. It was very dark, but I’ve never tasted lemon drizzle like it.

C: Paul Danan. Honest to God. He was stood right in front of me. Screaming his bloody head off.

‘How are your shows so good?’ Sunil Patel, London

A: Keep working lad, one day you’ll get there.

‘Where do you get your ideas from?’ Dana Bummage, Newcastle

C: Once a month we’re contacted by an anonymous telephone number with coordinates.

A: Buried in the earth we find an envelope packed with dark crystals, animal bones and sketch comedy scripts.

C: It works for us.

‘What can people expect from your new special?’ Paul Clittole, Herefordshire

A: We’re incredibly chuffed with our new special. It’s a recording of our 2019 Edinburgh nominated show Ginster’s Paradise. It was shot and edited by Manchester’s very own filmmaking guru Sam O’Leary and it features an amazing cast including some plucky young upstart called Johnny Vegas.

C: It was one of the wildest gigs we’ve ever done and we’re so proud it’s been captured in icky amber for everyone to enjoy.

‘What did you do before you invented comedy?’ Mr C. Whippy, Ginster’s

A: I was just a humble Marketeer with a passion for digital strategy and Chris… Well, Chris-

C: I was in a fucking coma. It was ‘02. Last I remember I was listening to OPM on my minidisc player about to land the perfect ollie. Next thing I know I wake up in hospital and Nu Metal is dead.

‘What’s next for The Delightful Sausage?’ Mary B, Sheffield

A: Why don’t you mind your own fucking business, eh?

The Delightful Sausage: Live at Chapeltown Picture House is out now for £5 via Go Faster Stripe.

They’re also returning to the Edinburgh Fringe this August with their new show, Nowt But Sea.


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